A tribute to a Navy SEAL who posthumously received the Medal of Honor for valor in Iraq was held Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention. 周二晚的共和党全国代表大会上,(共和党)为伊拉克战争中牺牲的海豹特种部队士兵举办了死后的表彰大会,并授予他们荣誉勋章。
Afterward, President Bill Clinton awarded Senator Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest honor a U.S. civilian can receive. 之后,美国总统比尔克林顿向尼尔森参议员授予了代表美国公民最高荣誉的总统自由勋章。
Many of the recipients had received the Distinguished Service Cross, but because of prejudice had not been offered the Medal of Honor. 很多此次获得授勋的人曾经获过杰出服役十字勋章,但因歧视而未被授予荣誉勋章。
He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country's highest civilian honor, in 2013. 2013年,布拉德利被授予总统自由勋章(PresidentialMedalofFreedom)。这是美国平民享有的最高荣誉。
Let me be clear about one thing. I recognize that this experiment wasn't the most stoic act of fortitude in the history of mankind, and I'm not asking for a Congressional Medal of Honor here. 我要说清楚的是,这项实验不是人类历史上最坚忍的修行,我也不是想要国会颁给我荣誉勋章。
My brother just got the Congressional Medal of honor. 我弟弟刚得到国会荣誉勋章。
The sergeant won the Medal of Honor for his exploits during the Korean War. 这名军士因朝鲜战中的功绩而赢得了荣誉奖章。
Lucid remains the only woman to have been awarded with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. 路西德至今仍为唯一获得美国国会太空荣誉勋章的女性。
Mama, you should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor. 妈妈,您应该得到的不只是一个节日,您应该获得荣誉勋章。
Actions which merit the Distinguished Service Cross must be of such a high degree to be above those required for all other US combat decorations but not meeting the criteria for the Medal of Honor. 行动值得的杰出服务十字必须如此高的程度要高于其他所有美国作战所需的装饰品,但不能满足的荣誉勋章的标准。
I got a medal of honor from him. 他曾经赠予我一枚纪念章。
They gave you an imbecile, a moron who goes on television and makes a fool out himself in front of the whole damn country, the Congressional Medal of Honor. 他们给你,这个傻瓜,让你这白痴上电视,让你去出丑,在整个该死的国家面前,国会荣誉勋章。
After a cavalry charge during the1916 U.S.expedition in Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, Thorn recommends four soldiers for the Medal of Honor. 在一个骑兵在1916美国探险队在墨西哥捕获潘乔别墅,刺推荐四名士兵的荣誉勋章。
He'll get the medal of honor! 李中士将获得荣誉勋章!
US Army ranger has been awarded the Medal of Honor, America's highest military medal, for his actions in a firefight in Afghanistan. 美国军队一名骑警因在阿富汗一场战斗中的卓越表现,被授予荣誉勋章,这是美国最高等级的军功章。
The Sergeant was given America's highest award for bravery, the Medal of Honor. ( 3) 警官(军士)由于勇敢被授予美国最高奖&荣誉勋章。
They gave you* The Congressional Medal of honor. 他们颁国会勋章给你。
At a statewide convention last month, they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor. 在上个月召开的一次州级大会上,安玛丽被授予一枚荣誉奖章。
The president placed a medal of honor around each of the recipients'necks as a military aide noted their accomplishments. 奥巴马总统亲自将荣誉奖章戴在每一位获奖者的脖子上,一名军事助手在旁宣读了他们的成就。
The old soldier was given a medal of honor. 这位士兵被授予一枚荣誉奖章。
Forrest hands his Medal of Honor to Jenny. (福勒斯特将他的荣誉勋章递给珍妮。)
The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker, Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly. 在EA洛杉矶荣誉勋章开发团队已经手工挑选出来的总经理肖恩戴克,执行制片格雷格古德里奇和丰富的资深创意总监法雷利工作室领导。
The parents of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy cried as President Bush awarded him the Medal of Honor. 布什总统授予了海军中尉迈克尔.墨菲荣誉勋章,他的父母痛哭流涕。
An arrangement of ribbons in a rose-shaped design worn as a badge of office or medal of honor. 把缎带结成玫瑰花形作为办事处或者荣誉奖章的象征。
Now he is in line to be recognized as only the second Medal of Honor winner from the war. 现在他可以在网上认识的第二只从战争勋章获得者。
1928-Charles Lindbergh is presented the Medal of Honor for his first trans-Atlantic flight. 1928年的今天,查尔斯·林德柏格因其首次跨越大西洋的飞行而获得一枚荣誉勋章。
"Horse" is the horseman's medal of honor and externalization of vigor. 它是骑士荣耀的勋章,骑士精神气质的外化;